How I’m Feeling About my 20% Project

For my project I am working with my two friends, and we are are going to our old school and teaching the second graders math and making it fun.

For my 20% project I am feeling very anxious and excited to get started because I think this project will be super fun whence we get started. I am also feeling very nervous. I think my project will be fun but it is going to be very nerve racking teaching a class. I don’t want to mess up. It is also nerve racking because I don’t want them to think it’s not fun.

Our major goals for this month are pretty simple. We just need to figure out the curricular for second grade. Then we need to make a fun game using that curricular. We also need to do chores to get the money for snacks. The snacks are to give to the kids who win or if the kids do good and participate.

See my Visual Aide: Visual Aide

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